ilve oven hinge replacement In Northcote
Just before finishing up today’s essential appointments we had an urgent call from a customer in Northcote just off High St . 3070 Northcote just 7km out of Melbourne CBD were one of our staff had just completed an oven replacement glass door. So before heading back to our depot we headed towards Northcote to look at the ilve oven issue.

The call was a concern with the ilve oven door ……. making a loud noise as it was opening and closing. So one we arrived and tested the door we found the hinge springs had broken off and jamming inside the door.

As you can see in the photo taken the ilve hinges have springs that take the weight off the door hinge and allow the door to open and close properly. When we dismantled the oven door we found the spring in pieces.
We also found food particles and a build up of hardened grease…. its important to know that having your ilve oven door serviced every two years would possibly prevented this hinge issue. The build up of foreign matter has place a part in dislodging the springs and weakened them. So we gave the door a good clean then replaced both ilve door hinges back to there original fittings.
The tip for today is that its important to know that having your ilve oven door serviced every two years would possibly prevented this hinge issue.

We carry many oven parts in our vans including ilve oven parts this extends to oven hinge replacement, elements and selector switches to name a few.