Westinghouse Oven Repairs Sunshine Melbourne Vic 3020 5 (32)

Westinghouse Oven Repairs Sunshine Vic

Earlier today we had an emergency oven repair in Sunshine Melbourne Vic.  The customers concern was he oven cannot be switch off . No matter haw much and what control dial to use the oven would not switch off . As you would expect the oven constantly heating and using power unnecessary can be dangerous.

How the oven was found on arriving - westinghouse oven repair sunshine vic
How the oven was found on arriving – Westinghouse oven repair Sunshine Vic

Before arriving we advised the customer to access their switch board and locate the oven fuse / circuit breaker and this will disconnected the power to the oven temporarily. Most ovens have there own power circuit so this would not have not interrupted other power points.

Failing that you may switch the main switch off until help has arrived. But please remember if you need to use the land line it may not work without power as the main switch being the first in from the left in a row disconnected the whole property. We only advise this to people who feel comfortable with accessing their board.

Faulty control selector switch - Westinghouse oven repairs Sunshine Vic
Faulty control selector switch – Westinghouse oven repairs Sunshine Vic

Luckily Sunshine 12 km west of the CBD and located within the City of Brimbank we had a service tech that was only 10 minutes from sunshine. On our first diagnosis we found the main selector switch was not engaging properly and therefore not switch the oven off.

As we carry most parts with us in our work vans we replaced the combo selector switch / thermostat and repairing the oven in good working order. Before re energizing the oven with power we also gave the oven a once over for any other issue and to make sure nothing was damaged.

Westinghouse oven repairs St Albans – Oven not heating 5 (26)

Westinghouse oven repairs St Albans – Oven not heating

Many people assume when an oven is not heating that the heating element has broken down and failed to work .  Our service tech visited a property in St Albans 3021 Melbourne when we receive a call that a Westinghouse oven in St Albans -is not heating.

When diagnosing the oven we found that a manual electrical clock setting had failed. The electric timer was not allowing power to move though to the selection switches.

Once repaired the oven had began heating again in the normal operating way. And as always our tech makes sure all of the other functions are operating properly.

Chef-EWO11BC Westinghouse Integra oven repairs St Albans - Oven not heating
Chef-EWO11BC Westinghouse Integra oven repairs St Albans – Oven not heating

The customer was more than happy as they have had the oven for over 15 years trouble free. So 15 years trouble free without a repair well that’s amazing. The total cost for parts and labour come to $320.00 . Chef and Westinghouse Integra units have stood the test of time and if maintained will give exceptional longevity in use.

If your looking for an oven repair in your area we do offer pensioner discounts and can provide cost effective repairs please give us a call and let out staff help you with your appointment.