Smoking Blanco bms604 Oven


Smoke coming from Blanco bms604 oven … was the call we had. So on attending the service visit at Yarraville 3013 the oven had smoke coming out and then eventually trip the circuit breaker. As you can can see in the image below . The oven selector switch has melted and damaged the wiring.

Smokey oven blanco- burnt out selector switch
Smokey oven blanco bms604 – burnt out selector switch

So our qualified tech then disconnected the circuit from the main power to make the appliance safe. We will then provide a quote to repair or replace the oven.

At United Electrical we not only repair ovens we also offer and supply and installation service should this happen to you. You can view our services page here.

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Author: admin

30 years trade experience in appliance repairs and electrical contracting

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