Bosch Oven Inner Glass Door Repairs Port Melbourne
A common problem with Bosch oven inner glass doors it that they loose the glass and drop out. The reason the inner glass drops out is its glue adhesive over time looses strength and the glass will than drop out of position.

The choice you have is to repair the door or replace the the inner door which comes with inner metal skin with the glass attached so then you will need to separate the door remove the faulty panel and replace it with the new panel.

Or another option at half the price is to contact us and we can re-seal the glass beck into place. This dose require two visits one to pick the door up from the property and then return to refit back on the oven .

The reason for the two visits is the wee need to apply the right pressure on the inner glass for it to adhere and this will take approximately 48 to 72 hours. The surface were the new adhesive takes place is also cleaned and etched so the bonding work takes place.
So if your in the need for a Bosch inner glass repair contact us for further advice.